

The most effective way for foundations, investors, and philanthropists to support, and benefit from the work of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders is to become a member. Click here for membership information.

Virginia Clarke Legacy Fund for Equity

To honor the legacy and leadership of 2003-2023 Executive Director Virginia Clarke, SAFSF is launching a special fundraising initiative, the Virginia Clarke Legacy Fund for Equity. Virginia worked to bring equity conversations and practices into all aspects of SAFSF’s work, opening the door for essential internal trainings and bold equity programming, and integrating equity practices across operations and organizational structure. The Virginia Clarke Legacy Fund for Equity will support intentional work to deepen and further operationalize SAFSF’s racial equity commitment and practices, and to provide programs and assistance to our members and network to do the same.

Help us reach our goal of $100,000 before Virginia’s departure at the end of 2023, and $250,000 by mid-2024, to build on her strong legacy. This work benefits every funder in SAFSF’s network – and by extension, the movements we support—and we are inviting all our members to make a pledge of support to the Virginia Clarke Legacy Fund for Equity. No amount is too small—or too large!

Contact Clare Fox, Executive Director, with any questions or to donate through a grant. Or click the button below to donate to the Legacy Fund online.


Member and nonmember funders alike can also support our work through grants. Contact Clare Fox, Executive Director to discuss.


SAFSF is a 501c3 nonprofit. Individuals who want to offer their personal philanthropy, in any amount, to help drive change toward just and sustainable food systems can make a tax-deductible donation. Click here to donate online or mail your donation to us directly. 

Thanks for Supporting SAFSF

Every SAFSF member is a valued contributor to the strength of our network, both financially and as thought partners and leaders. We’d also like to acknowledge the organizations and individuals below who have provided additional financial support for our work, sometimes in addition to their membership dues, through general operating and/or project support grants in 2023, including contributors to the Virginia Clarke Legacy Fund for Equity.

Adam Liebowitz
Agua Fund
Ann Mills
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation
Builders Initiative
Butterfly Equity Foundation
California Certified Organic Farmers Foundation
Christa Gannon
Debra Tropp
Dirt Capital Partners
From Now On Fund
Globetrotter Foundation
GRACE Communications Foundation
HRK Foundation
Jennifer Zuckerman
Judy Hatcher
Lawson Valentine Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Melissa Lewington
Patricia Clarke

Prince Charitable Trusts
Sacred Futures LLC
Sarah Kelley
Shachar Fund
Shelburne Farms
Sierra Health Foundation
The 11th Hour Project
The Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment
The Marcus Foundation
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
The Nell Newman Foundation
The Sandy River Charitable Foundation
Thread Fund
To-Mi-Da Fund
USDA – Agricultural Marketing Service
Vatheuer Family Foundation
Virginia Clarke
Windward Fund
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Woodcock Foundation